Language that sets the new foundation for your brand

Our clients change their brand because they want to change the world. They may be in a rebranding process or involved in mergers and acquisitions. They may be shaping new realities by launching new portfolio entities and ways to engage audiences.
Is your naming ready for the new future? Where are you now and where will you be in five years? Is everyone moving with you?
At the heart of a verbal identity is brand positioning. Repositioning involves creating a renewed brand purpose, personality and promise. This results in a new relationship with audiences and other internal or external brands.
Stay connected
Far-reaching change means embracing it. This means saying goodbye to existing names and brand statements in which time and energy have been invested.
In fact, the discussion is not so much about names, words and images. It is about values that people feel connected to and want to retain during the transformation.
Globrands' process helps find a verbal identity that fits the new positioning and leads to a deeper shared understanding.