A name as easy as it is unique, for a centralized national service

How do you get to a name for a government service that meets countless requirements – while still being straightforward?
The need was growing for secure and clear communication by citizens and businesses with government bodies, and governments among themselves. Besides electronic signatures, all kinds of applications became available. The Dutch government realised that they needed to take control before citizens would be confronted with a plethora of different secure and less secure ways to identify yourself to online services.
The naming would be essential, because in addition to legal ownability all kinds of technical and communicative requirements, the name had to meet the criterion of being 'simple to understand and easy to use for every Dutch person'.
Globrands guided the working group involved in determining the core values and specific objectives.
DigiD is an important step towards a secure and uniform way of electronic identification. The name is so straightforward that only a specialist could come up with it.